Embody Your Essence this Virgo Season with the New Moon 11°4' Virgo on Tuesday, 3rd September 2024, 02.55 BST
Can you feel the tides of change from Leo's month of sun and fun to Virgo's need for well-being and practicality?
Embody Your Essence this Virgo Season with the New Moon 11°4' Virgo on Tuesday, 3rd September 2024, 02.55 BST
The benefits of a yoga membership
What is TECAR Therapy?
What is lymphatic drainage?
A Journey through the Chakras - The Crown Chakra
The Story of Yoga: The Warrior Series
A Journey through the Chakras - The Third Eye
A Journey through the Chakras - The Throat Chakra
21 Days to feeling fantastic!
A Journey through the Chakras - Solar Plexus
Dispelling the myths of the yoga retreat.
A Journey through the Chakras - The Sacral Chakra
Calling all super mummies!
Embrace the sound of the gong!
Yoga or Pilates ... or both?
You are what your deepest desire is.
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