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Dispelling the myths of the yoga retreat.

Nathalie Joel-Smith

Now, we all know that little voice of doubt when it comes to making decisions about things that feel big and put us outside our comfort zone. I am very familiar with that voice! Below I’ve dispelled a few myths that might be holding you back from diving into the magic…

You say: I can’t go on a Yoga retreat because ... I can’t stand on my head/do a handstand/square my hips in warrior 1/other assumed requirements to be ‘good at Yoga’.

We say: We can assure you – none of these things are required. Our retreat allows people of mixed levels to explore the practice of Yoga and benefit from the magic. What we would say is, you do need to have began your Yoga journey. Any questions about whether the retreat is right for you, just ask!

You say: I can’t do Yoga every day for a week

We say: You’ll be AMAZED what you can do! However, if you need to take a break from a practice/have a lie in, it’s not a problem at all.

You say: I’m nervous about not knowing anyone

We say: Often we are in the same boat as others, and that in itself is comforting. The friendships you can make on retreat are incredible. Not knowing anyone is a GREAT reason to come.

You say: I’ve got some specific dietary requirements

We say: Let us know what they are and we will try to accommodate them

You say: It’s too much of an indulgence, I can’t justify it

We say: How much better is life when you feel happy, relaxed and at your best? Times that by, like, a million. We rest our case ;)

You say: I haven’t got the available funds at present

We say: Please feel free discuss your situation with us, and we might be able to work out a payment plan.

SO now we have dispelled a lot of common myths about going on a yoga retreat, why not think about coming with us to our rustic Italian retreat in June with the fantastic teacher Sue Gregory.

Yoga Retreat in Puglia, Italy with Sue Gregory

20th - 27th June 2018

Samsara retreat at Casananda

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