The Sanskrit name of the seventh chakra is Sahasrara, which means ‘thousand-fold’, implying the infinite nature of this chakra. This is the chakra of enlightenment and spiritual connection to our higher selves, others, and ultimately, to the divine.
Although some sources state that the colour of this chakra is violet, it is usually associated with white, a combination of all colors, just as this chakra synthesises all the other chakras. The seventh chakra is beyond element, it is the source of creation, the pure light and connection to spirit or universal energy.
Location and Connection to the Physical Body
The Sahasrara chakra is located at the crown of the head. It governs the brain, hypothalamus, and pituitary glands.
Energy Connection to the Emotional/Mental Body
Sahasrara is the entry point for the life force, which pours endlessly into our energy system from the greater universe, nourishing our body, mind and spirit. It flows through the physical body and the lower six chakras, connecting the entire physical body to the seventh chakra.
Balanced Sahasrara chakra manifests self-realisation, bright, radiate, rebirth, total selflessness, divine love, charming, and charismatic. One's sense of love is magnifying to the degree everyone feels it, and sees everything as one.
If the crown chakra is overactive then we may not be living in the real world. We may become addicted to ‘spiritual’ rituals without fully understanding them or their function. Day to day activities such as housework, talking to family and paying the bills are abandoned in favour of seeking Samadhi. Overactive chakras can occur following intense meditation sessions, retreats or after a spontaneous spiritual experience.
If the crown chakra is underactive, we are disconnected, mentally at least, from all things spiritual. Deficiencies in this chakra can be manifested as having closed mind to new concepts and rigidity in our beliefs, materialism and greed.
Physical symptoms of an imbalanced crown chakra involve any problems to do with the nervous system, epilepsy and issues with the pineal gland. We may feel heady, or have mental fog, chronic fatigue, migraines etc.
How can yoga help?
The most powerful Yogic practice for the seventh chakra is seated meditation in lotus pose Padmasana. This pose helps us connect to our higher self and wisdom.
Inversions such as Salamba Sirsasana (Supported Headstand), Salamba Sarvangasana (supported Shoulder stand) and Halasana (Plough) will also help us balancing Sahasrara, by allowing healthy blood flow to brain cells and stimulating the nervous system.
Amongst restorative poses, Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) and Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle) will help open, balance and heal the Sahasrara chakra while also stimulating the liver, reproductive organs, and kidneys. Savasana (Corpse Pose) is also useful for crown chakra healing as it relaxes the body and mind.